Publications List

  1. Rengaswamy Sankaranarayanan, Priya Ramesh Prabhu, Michael Pawlita, Tarik Gheit, Neerja Bhatla, Richard Muwonge, Bhagwan M Nene, Pulikottil Okuru Esmy, Smita Joshi, Usha Rani Reddy Poli, Parimal Jivarajani, Yogesh Verma, Eric Zomawia, Maqsood Siddiqi, Surendra S Shastri, Kasturi Jayant, Sylla G Malvi, Eric Lucas, Angelika Michel, Julia Butt, Janki Mohan Babu Vijayamma, Subha Sankaran, Thiraviam Pillai Rameshwari Ammal Kannan, Rintu Varghese, Uma Divate, Shila Thomas, Geeta Joshi, Martina Willhauck-Fleckenstein, Tim Waterboer, Martin Müller, Peter Sehr, Sanjay Hingmire, Alka Kriplani, Gauravi Mishra, Sharmila Pimple, Radhika Jadhav, Catherine Sauvaget, Massimo Tommasino, Madhavan Radhakrishna Pillai, for the Indian HPV vaccine study group , (2016) Immunogenicity and HPV infection after one, two, and three doses of quadrivalent HPV vaccine in girls in India: a multicentre prospective cohort study. Lancet Oncol; 17(1): 67-77.
  2. Jagadeeshan S, Subramanian A, Tentu S, Beesetti S, Singhal M, Raghavan S, Surabhi RP, Mavuluri J, Bhoopalan H, Biswal J, Pitani RS, Chidambaram S, Sundaram S, Malathi R, Jayaraman J, Nair AS, Venkatraman G, Rayala SK (2016) p21 activated kinase 1 (Pak1) signaling influences therapeutic outcome in pancreatic cancer.Ann Oncol;27(8):1546-56.
  3. Divya T. Kandala, Nimmy Mohan, Vivekanand A, Sudheesh AP, Reshmi G, and Rakesh S. Laishram (2016) CstF-64 and 3'-UTR cis-element determine Star-PAP specificity for target mRNA selection by excluding PAPα.Nucleic Acids Res. 44(2): 811–823.
  4. Anees P, Sudheesh KV, Jayamurthy P, Chandrika AR, Omkumar RV, Ajayaghosh A (2016) A protein-dye hybrid system as a narrow range tunable intracellular pH sensor.Chem Sci.18;7 (11):6808-6814.
  5. Kumar A, Singhal M, Chopra C, Srinivasan S, Surabhi RP, Kanumuri R, Tentu S, Jagadeeshan S, Sundaram S, Ramanathan K, Shankar Pitani R, Muthuswamy B, Abhijit S, Nair AS, Venkatraman G, Rayala SK (2016) Threonine 209 phosphorylation on RUNX3by Pak1 is a molecular switch for its dualistic functions.Oncogene.15;35(37):4857-65.
  6. Kumar, R  Li, DQ  Muller, S,  Knapp, S (2016)Epigenomic regulation of oncogenesis by chromatin remodeling. Oncogene; 35(34): 4423-4436.
  7. Ammothum kandy A, Maliekal TT, Bose MV, Rajkumar T, Shirley S, Thejaswini B, Giri VG, Krishna S (2016) CD66 and CD49f expressing cells are associated with distinct neoplastic phenotypes and progression in human cervical cancer. Eur J Cancer.;60:166-78.
  8. Radhakrishnan K, Bhagya KP, Kumar AT, Devi AN, Sengottaiyan J, Kumar PG (2016) Autoimmune regulator (AIRE) is expressed in spermatogenic cells and it altered the expression of several nucleic acid binding and cytoskeletal proteins in GC1-spg spermatogonial cells. Mol. Cell. Proteomics.;15(8):2686-98.
  9. Reshma Thamkachy, Rohith Kumar, K. N. Rajasekharan and Suparna Sengupta (2016) ERK mediated upregulation of death receptor 5 overcomes the lack of p53 functionality in the diaminothiazole DAT1 induced apoptosis in colon cancer models: efficiency of DAT1 in Ras-Raf mutated cells. Mol Cancer.;15(1):22.
  10. Dhanesh SB, Subashini C, James J (2016) Hes1: the maestro in neurogenesis.Cell MolLife Sci.; 73 ( 21):  4019-4042.
  11. Rakesh. S. Nair, Jerald. M. Kumar, Jedy Jose, Veena Somasundaram, Sreelatha K. Hemalatha, Satheesh Kumar S, Revathy Nadhan, Anilkumar Thapasimuthu and Priya Srinivas (2016) Increased sensitivity of BRCA defective triple negative breast tumors to plumbagin through induction of DNA Double Strand Breaks (DSB) Sci. Rep. 6, Article number: 26631, doi:10.1038/srep26631.
  12. Mahesh PP, Retnakumar RJ, Mundayoor S (2016) Downregulation of vimentin in macrophages infected with live Mycobacterium tuberculosis is mediated by Reactive Oxygen Species. Sci. Rep. 6, Article number: 21526, doi:10.1038/srep21526.
  13. Thulasi Sheela Divya, Soundararajan Lalitha, Surendran Parvathy, Chandramohan Subashini, Rajendran Sanalkumar, Sivadasan Bindu Dhanesh, Vazhanthodi Abdul Rasheed, Mundackal Sivaraman Divya, Shubha Tole& Jackson James (2016) Regulation of Tlx3 by Pax6 is required for the restricted expression of Chrnα3 in Cerebellar Granule Neuron progenitors during development. Sci. Rep. 6, Article number: 30337 doi:10.1038/srep30337.
  14. Nath LR, Gorantla JN, Thulasidasan AK, Vijayakurup V, Shah S, Anwer S1, Joseph SM, Antony J, Veena KS, Sundaram S, Marelli UK, Lankalapalli RS, Anto RJ (2016) Evaluation of uttroside B, a saponin from Solanumnigrum Linn, as a promising chemotherapeutic agent against hepatocellular carcinoma.Sci Rep. 3;6:36318. doi: 10.1038/srep36318.
  15. Suganya S AA, Kochurani KJ, Nair MG, Louis JM, Sankaran S, Rajagopal R, Kumar KS, Abraham P, P G B, Sebastian P, Somananthan T, Maliekal TT (2016) TM1-IR680 peptide for assessment of surgical margin and lymph node metastasis in murine orthotopic model of oral cancer;Sci Rep. Volume: 6,Article Number: 36726, DOI: 10.1038/srep36726.
  16. John S and Mishra R (2016) mRNA Transcriptomics of Galectins Unveils Heterogeneous Organization in Mouse and Human Brain. Front MolNeurosci.; 9: 139. doi:  10.3389/fnmol.2016.00139.
  17. Aswathy PM, Jairani PS, Raghavan SK, Verghese J, Gopala S, Srinivas P, Mathuranath PS (2015) Progranulin mutation analysis: Identification of one novel mutation in exon 12 associated with frontotemporal dementia. Neurobiol Aging.;39:218.e1-3.
  18. Somasundaram V, Nadhan R, K Hemalatha S, Kumar Sengodan S, Srinivas P (2016) Nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species: Clues to target oxidative damage repair defective breast cancers. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol;101:184-92.
  19. Srinivas KP, Viji R, Dan VM, Sajitha IS, Prakash R, Rahul PV, Santhoshkumar TR, Lakshmi S, Pillai MR (2016) DEPTOR promotes survival of cervical squamous cell carcinoma cells and its silencing induces apoptosis through downregulating PI3K/AKT and by up-regulating p38 MAP kinase. Oncotarget.;7(17):24154-71.
  20. Mereena George, Anupama Vijayakumar, Sivadasan Bindu Dhanesh, Jackson James, K. Shivakumar (2016) Molecular basis and functional significance of Angiotensin II-induced increase in Discoidin Domain Receptor 2 gene expression in cardiac fibroblasts. J Mol Cell Cardiol.;90:59-69.
  21. Anupama Vijayakumar, Aneesh Chandran, Sivadasan Bindu Dhanesh, Jackson James, K. Shivakumar (2016) Molecular mechanisms in H2O2-induced increase in AT1 receptor gene expression in cardiac fibroblasts: a role for endogenously generated Angiotensin II. J Mol Cell Cardiol.;97:295-305.
  22. Reshma RS, Sreelatha KH, Veena Somasundaram, Satheesh Kumar S, Revathy, RakeshSathish  Nair, PriyaSrinivas (2016) Plumbagin, a naphthaquinone derivative induces apoptosis and in BRCA 1/2 defective castrate resistant prostate cancer cells as well as prostate cancer stem-like cells.Pharmacological Research.; 105:134–145.
  23. Syed KM, Joseph S, Mukherjee A, Majumder A, Teixeira JM, Dutta D, Pillai MR (2016) Histone chaperone APLF regulates induction of pluripotency in murine fibroblasts.J Cell Sci.;129(24):4576-4591.
  24. Srinivas L, Vellichirammal NN, Alex AM, Nair C, Nair IV, Banerjee M (2016) Pro-inflammatory cytokines and their epistatic interactions in genetic susceptibility to schizophrenia. J Neuroinflammation.;13(1):105. doi: 10.1186/s12974-016-0569-8.
  25. Ramachandran S, Vinitha A, Kartha CC (2016) Cyclophilin A enhances macrophage differentiation and lipid uptake in high glucose conditions: a cellular mechanism for accelerated macro vascular disease in diabetes mellitus. CardiovascDiabetol. ;15(1):152.
  26. Thomas JM, Surendran S, Abraham M, Rajavelu Arumugam, Kartha CC(2016) Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms in the development of arteriovenous malformations in the brain. Clin Epigenetics.;8:78. doi: 10.1186/s13148-016-0248-8. eCollection 2016.
  27. Asha S, Soniya EV (2016) Transfer RNA Derived Small RNAs Targeting Defense Responsive Genes Are Induced during Phytophthoracapsici Infection in Black Pepper (Piper nigrum L.). Front Plant Sci.;7:767. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00767.
  28. Mahadevan C, Krishnan A, Saraswathy GG, Surendran A, Jaleel A, Sakuntala M (2016) Transcriptome- Assisted Label-Free Quantitative Proteomics Analysis Reveals Novel Insights into Piper nigrum-Phytophthoracapsici Phytopathosystem. Front Plant Sci. ;7:785. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00785.
  29. Thomas GE, Geetha KA, Augustine L, Mamiyil S, Thomas G (2016) Analyses between Reproductive Behavior, Genetic Diversity and Pythium Responsiveness in Zingiber spp. Reveal an Adaptive Significance for Hemiclonality. Front Plant Sci.;7:1913. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01913.
  30. Ashwani kumar N, Kumar NA, Saneesh Babu PS, Sivakumar KC, Vadakkan MV, Nair P, Hema Saranya I, Asha Nair S, Vinod Kumar GS (2016) SELF assembling peptide nanofibers containing phenylalanine for the controlled release of 5 fluorouracil. International Journal of Nanomedicine,;11: 5583–5594.
  31. Jose L, Ramachandran R, Bhagavat R, Gomez RL, Chandran A, Raghunandanan S, Omkumar RV, Chandra N, Mundayoor S, Kumar RA (2016) Hypothetical protein Rv3423.1 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a histone acetyltransferase. FEBS J.;283(2):265-81.
  32. Gomez RL1, Jose L1, Ramachandran R, Raghunandanan S, Muralikrishnan B, Johnson JB, Krishnankutty SC, Mundayoor S, Kumar RA (2016) The multiple stress responsive transcriptional regulator Rv3334 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is an autorepressor and a positive regulator of kstR. FEBS J.;283(16):3056-71.
  33. Sumi S, Kalpana SR, Aarcha Suresh, Binil Raj SS, Ravi Kumar B Lakkappa, Giridhar Kamalapurkar, Radhakrishnan N, CC Kartha (2016) Arterialization and anomalous vein wall remodeling in varicose veins is associated with upregulated FoxC2-Dll4 pathway Lab Invest.;96(4):399-408.
  34. George TM, Krishna MS, Reddy ML (2016) A lysosome targetable luminescent bioprobe based on a europium β-diketonate complex for cellular imaging applications. Dalton Trans.; 45:18719-18729.
  35. Nath LR, Kumar SN, Das AA, Nambisan B, Shabna A, Mohandas C, Anto RJ (2016) In Vitro Evaluation of the Antioxidant, 3,5-Dihydroxy-4-ethyl-trans-stilbene (DETS) Isolated from Bacillus cereus as a Potent Candidate against Malignant Melanoma. FrontMicrobiol.;7:452. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.00452.
  36. Mydhily R. B. Nair, Deepak Chouhan, Sourav Sen Gupta and Santanu Chattopadhyay (2016) Fermented Foods: Are They Tasty Medicines for Helicobacter pylori Associated Peptic Ulcer and Gastric Cancer? Front Microbiol.;25;7:1148. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.01148.
  37. Kuriakose MA, Ramdas K, Dey B, Iyer SS, Rajan G, Elango KK, Suresh A, Ravindran D, Kumar R, R P, Ramachandran S, Kumar NA, Thomas G, Somanathan T, R HK, Rannganathan K, Katakam SB, Parashuram S, Jayaprakash V, Pillai MR (2016) A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled phase IIB trial of curcumin in oral leukoplakia. Cancer Prev Res (Phila). ;9(8):683-91.
  38. Smitha V Bava, Arunkumar TT, Sreekanth CN and Ruby John Anto (2016) Cervical cancer: A comprehensive approach towards extermination. Ann Med. ;48(3):149-61.
  39. Krishnamoorthy S, Rajan R, Banerjee M, Kumar H, Sarma G, Krishnan S, Sarma S, Kishore A (2016) Dopamine D3 receptor Ser9Gly variant is associated with impulse control disorders in Parkinson's disease patients. Parkinsonism RelatDisord. pii: S1353-8020(16)30217-6.
  40. Chandran U, Indu S, Kumar AT, Devi AN, Khan I, Srivastava D, Kumar PG (2016) Expression of Cnnm1 and Its Association with Stemness, Cell Cycle, and Differentiation in Spermatogenic Cells in Mouse Testis. Biol Reprod.;95(1):7. doi: 10.1095/biolreprod.115.130369.
  41. Parvathy Muraleedharan, Sreeja S, Rakesh Kumar, Madhavan Radhakrishna Pillai (2016) P21 Activated Kinase 1 (PAK1) and its substrates as potential therapeutic targets in oral cancer. BMC Cancer, (Suppl 1):293,DOI: 10.1186/s12885-016-2263-8.
  42. Veena Somasundaram, Sreelatha K Hemalatha, Krishnendu Pal, Sutapa Sinha, Asha S. Nair, Debabrata Mukhopadhyay and Priya Srinivas (2016) Selective mode of action of plumbagin through BRCA1 deficient breast cancer stem cells. BMC Cancer.;16:336.
  43. Singh RP, Shafeeque CM, Sharma SK, Singh R, Kannan M, Sastry KV, SajithRaghunandanan , Mohan J, Azeez PA (2016) Effects of bisphenol-A on male reproductive success in adult Kadaknath chicken. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf .;128:61-6.
  44. Abhinand CS, Raju R, Soumya SJ, Arya PS, Sudhakaran PR (2016) VEGF-A/VEGFR2 signaling network in endothelial cells relevant to angiogenesis. J Cell Commun Signal.; 10(4): 347–354.
  45. Asha S, Sreekumar S, Soniya EV (2016) Unravelling the complexity of microRNA-mediated gene regulation in black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) using high-throughput small RNA profiling. Plant Cell Rep.;35(1):53-63.
  46. Aiswarya G, Mallika V, Mur LA, Soniya EV (2016) Ectopic expression and functional characterization of type III polyketide synthase mutants from Emblica officinalis Gaertn. Plant Cell Rep.;35(10):2077-90.
  47. Mayadevi M, Lakshmi K, Suma Priya SD, John S, OmkumarRV(2016) Protection of α-CaMKII from Dephosphorylation by GluN2B Subunit of NMDA Receptor Is Abolished by Mutation of Glu96 or His282 of α-CaMKII. PLoS One.;11(9):e0162011.
  48. Vadakkan MV, Vinod Kumar GS (2016) Advancements in Devices and Particle Engineering in Dry Powder Inhalation Technology. Curr Top Med Chem.;16(18):1990-2008.
  49. Padmanabhan RA, Laloraya M. (2016) Estrogen-Initiated Protein InteractomesDuring Embryo Implantation. Am J Reprod Immunol.;75(3):256-62.
  50. Soumya V, Padmanabhan RA, Titus S, Laloraya M (2016) Murine uterine decidualization is a novel function of autoimmune regulator-beyond immune tolerance. Am J Reprod. Immunol.; 76(3): 224–234.
  51. Jonathan P. A. Gardner, Jamila Patterson, Sanil George and J. K. Patterson Edward (2016) Combined evidence indicates that Pernaindica Kuriakose and Nair 1976 is Pernaperna (Linnaeus, 1758) from the Oman region introduced into southern India more than 100 years ago.  Biological Invasions.;18,(5):1375–1390.
  52. Chandrika BB, Steephan M, Kumar TR, Sabu A, Haridas M (2016) Hesperetin and Naringenin sensitize HER2 positive cancer cells to death by serving as HER2 Tyrosine Kinase inhibitors. Life Sciences.;160: 47-56.
  53. Hima S, Sreeja S (2016). Modulatory role of 17β-estradiol in the tumor microenvironment of thyroid cancer. IUBMB Life.;68(2):85-96.
  54. Vini Ravindran , Juberiya M Azeez  and  S.Sreeja  (2016) Evidence of  pomegranate methanolic extract (PME) for antagonizing the endogenous SERM, 27- Hydroxycholesterol, IUBMB Life.;68(2):116-21.
  55. Vinitha A, Kutty VR, Vivekanand A, Reshmi G, Divya G, Sumi S, Santosh KR, Pratapachandran NS, Ajit MS, Kartha CC, Ramachandran S (2016) PPIA rs6850: A > G single-nucleotide polymorphism is associated with raised plasma cyclophilin A levels in patients with coronary artery disease. Mol Cell Biochem.;412(1-2):259-68.
  56. Abraham R, Manakkadan A, Mudaliar P, Joseph I, Sivakumar KC, Nair RR, Sreekumar E(2016) Correlation of phylogenetic clade diversification and in vitro infectivity differences among Cosmopolitan genotype strains of Chikungunya virus. Infect GenetEvol.;37:174-84.
  57. Mallika V, Aiswarya G, Gincy PT, Remakanthan A, Soniya EV (2016) Type III polyketide synthase repertoire in Zingiberaceae: computational insights into the sequence, structure and evolution. Dev Genes Evol.;226(4):269-85.
  58. Kumar, R, Wang, RA (2016) Structure, expression and functions of MTA genes. Gene.;582(2):112-21.
  59. Rebello S, Joseph BV, Joseph SV, Jose L, Mundayoor S, Jisha M S (2016) Bioconversion of sodium dodecyl sulfate to rhamnolipids by transformed Escherichia coli DH5α cells - a novel strategy for rhamnolipid synthesis. J Appl Microbiol.;120(3):638-46.
  60. Varghese DS, Chandran U, Soumya A, Pillai SM, Jayakrishnan K, Reddi PP, Kumar PG (2016) Aberrant expression of TAR DNA binding protein-43 is associated with spermatogenic disorders in men. ReprodFertil Dev.;28(6):713-22.
  61. Ajithkumar GS, Vinitha A, Binil Raj SS, Kartha CC (2016) Drug Resistance of Endocardial Endothelial Cells is Related to Higher Endogenous ABCG2. CardiovascToxicol. 2016 Oct;16(4):390-405.
  62. Geetha P,  M.S. Latha, Saumya S. Pillai,  B. Deepa, K. Santhosh Kumar, Mathew Koshy (2016) Green Synthesis and Characterization of Alginate Nanoparticles and its Role as a Biosorbent for Cr(VI) Ions. J. Molecular Structure.;1105: 54-60.
  63. Manoj P (2016) Droplet digital PCR technology promises new applications and research areas. Mitochondrial DNA A DNA MappSeq Anal.;27(1):742-6
  64. Pillai RM, Nair SA (2016) Polymorphism of p53 in cancer prognosis. Indian J MedRes.;144(3):314-316.
  65. John S, Mishra R (2016) Galectin-9: From cell biology to complex disease dynamics. J Biosci.;41(3):507-34.
  66. Chauhan I, Sugirtharaj G, Sathyan S, Beena VT, Banerjee M (2016) Evaluation of salivary DNA obtained from dental prosthesis and its applicability in forensic investigations. J Forensic Leg Med.;42:100-5.
  67. Mohammed Shoeb, A. Soumya, Pradeep G. Kumar (2016) Organization of planar rafts, caveolae and steroid receptors on spermatozoa during development. Journal of Reproductive Health and Medicine.;2(S1: S27–S35.
  68. Kannan M, V. Aathmanathan S, Saravanakumar M, Jaleel A, Romanelli D, Tettamanti G, Krishnan M (2016)Proteomic analysis of the silkworm midgut during larva-pupa transition. Invertebrate Survival Journal.; 13: 191-204.
  69. Vineethkumar TV, ShylaGopal and Sanil George (2016) First report of Lividin and Spinulosain Peptides from the Skin Secretion of an Indian frog. ActaBiolHung.;67(1):121-4.
  70. Karthika S, M. J. Reshma, P. A. Wilson, R. Anita Das, U. S. Sarma, K. Harikrishnan and Sabu Thomas (2016) Characterization and Evaluation of Phenol Degrading Bacillus Spp. for Enhancing the Softness of Coir Fiber. Journal of Natural Fibers 13(3): 253-260.
  71. Dayakar S, Pillai HR, Thulasi VP, Nair RR (2016) Development of a multiplex RT-PCR for simultaneous diagnosis of human metapneumovirus (HMPV) and human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) from clinical specimens.Virus Disease.;27(4):375-381.
  72. Azeez Shamina, Antony Jayesh, Leela N.K., Anto Ruby John (2016) Antioxidant and cytotoxic effects of essential oil, water and ethanol extracts of major Indian spices. Indian Journal of Horticulture. ;73(2):229-237.
  73. Prabhakaran DM, Chowdhury G, Pazhani GP, Ramamurthy T, Thomas S(2016) Draft Genome Sequence of an Environmental trh+ Vibrio parahaemolyticus K23 Strain Isolated from Kerala, India. Genome Announc.;4(2). pii: e00282-16.
  74. Dharmaprakash A, Reghunathan D, Sivakumar KC, Prasannakumar M, Thomas S (2016) Insights into the Genome Sequences of an N-Acyl Homoserine Lactone Molecule Producing Two Pseudomonas spp. Isolated from the Arctic. Genome Announc.;4(4). pii: e00767-16.
  75. Sreedevi S, Sayed R, Harikumar KB, Tripathy RN (2016) Ayurgenomics: A novel approach in preventing congenital anomalies. A review. Int J Res Ayurveda Pharm 7(sup3).; 7:51-53.
  76. Martin WF, Weiss M, Neukirchen S, Nelson-SathiShijulal, Sousa FL (2016) Physiology, Phylogeny, and LUCA. Microbial Cell, 3(12):582 – 587.
  77. Malini Laloraya and Renjini A Padmanabhan (2016) Forbearance of the Immune System during pregnancy: Fetal parasite takes an estrogenic way! Reproductive Immunology: Open Access,:21. doi: 10.4172/RIOA.10002.
  78. Paul Chinedu Echi, Sanil George and Suresh Kumar (2016) Differential size-biased parasitism between Polyacanthorhynchus nigerianus (nomennudum) and Polyacanthorhynchus echiyensis (nomennudum) (Acanthocephala: Polyacanthocephala) Brazilian Journal of Biological Sciences.;3(5): 113-119.
  79. Arjun, J. K., Aneesh, B., Kavitha, T and Harikrishnan, K (2016) Therapeutic L-Asparaginase Activity of Bacteria Isolated from Marine Sediments. Int. J. Pharm. Sci.Drug Res.; 8(4): 229-234.
  80. Aneesh, B., Arjun, J. K., Kavitha, T. and Harikrishnan, K (2016) Production of short chain length polyhydroxyalkonates by Bacillus megaterium PHB29 from starch feed stock. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 5 (7):816 – 823.
  81. Kavitha, T., Arjun, J. K., Aneesh, B. and Harikrishnan, K (2016) Prokaryotic community profile in a wetland ecosystem. Int. J. Curr. Res. Biosci. Plant Biol. 3 (5), 59 -64.
  82. Saritha VN, George J K, Jaleel A, Surendran A, Saravanakumar M, Kalavathy MC, Somanathan T, Rema P, Sujathan K (2016) Analysis of differentially expressed proteins in the exfoliated cells of normal and squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix to define candidate markers for cervical cancer. International Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology.; 5(1):626-36.

Book Chapter

  1. Satheesh Kumar S, Sreelatha K H, RevathyNadhan, and PriyaSrinivas (2016) Role of BRCA1 in Breast Cancer Metastasis. In book "Gynecologic Cancers – Basic Sciences, Clinical and Therapeutic Perspectives ", Charpter 1,  ISBN 978-953-51-4278-2, InTech, Europe.
  2. Dhanasooraj D, Kumar RA, Mundayoor S (2016) Subunit Protein Vaccine Delivery System for Tuberculosis Based on Hepatitis B Virus Core VLP (HBc-VLP) Particles.In book:-Vaccine Design: Methods and Protocols, Vol.2; Methods in Mol Biol.( Springer Protocols).;1404:377-92. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-3389-1_26.
  3. Kumar, R Li, DQ (2016) PAKs in Human Cancer Progression: From Inception to Cancer Therapeutic to Future Oncobiology. In book: Advances in Cancer Research Volume 130, Pages 1-301.Edited by Kenneth D. Tew and Paul B. Fisher ISBN: 978-0-12-804789-7, DOI: 10.1016/bs.acr.2016.01.002.
  4. Krup Ann Mathew, Deepa Indira, Jeena Joseph, Prakah R, Indu R, Santhoshkumar T.R (2016) Automated ratio imaging using FRET probe expressing stable cells at nuclear compartment for apoptosis detection. In: Springer Protocol,  Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology: Apoptosis Methods in Toxicology,:131-161.   DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-3588-8_8.
  5. Reshma R S, RevathyNadhan and PriyaSrinivas (2016) Plumbagin and Prostate Cancer Therapy. In the book  "Complementary and Alternative Medicines in ProstateCancer: A Comprehensive Approach", ISBN 9781498729871, by CRC Press.
  6. K.B HariKumar (2016) Prostate cancer: An introduction. In the book  "Complementary and Alternative Medicines in Prostate Cancer: A Comprehensive Approach",pp; 1-16, ISBN 9781498729871, by CRC Press.
  7. Ann Mary Alex, Moinak Banerjee (2016) Melatonin disruption in autism and their regulation by natural supplements.In the book “Serotonin and Melatonin: Their Functional Role in Plants, Food, Phytomedicine, and Human Health.” Chapter 32 Taylor and Francis CRC Press Chapter 32 499–512,Print ISBN: 978-1-4987-3905-4.
  8. Swathy B, Moinak Banerjee (2016) Serotonin Transporters in Theranostics of neuropsychiatric disorders. In book  “Serotonin and Melatonin: Their Functional Role in Plants, Food, Phytomedicine, and Human Health.” Chapter 35, Taylor and Francis CRC Press, Chapter 35, 539–550.


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