Publications List

  1. Kim EJ, Lee CH, Balakrish Nair G, Kim DW, (2015) Whole-genome sequence comparisons reveal the evolution of Vibrio cholerae O1, Trends Microbiol. Volume 23, Issue 8, p479–489.
  2. Mohan N, Sudeesh A P, Francis N, Anderson R, Laishram RS, (2015) Phosphorylation regulates the Star-PAP-PIPKIα interaction and directs specificity toward mRNA targets, Nucl. Acids Res. (2015) doi: 10.1093/nar/gkv676.
  3. S Jagadeeshan, Y R Krishnamoorthy, M Singhal, A Subramanian, J Mavuluri, A Lakshmi, A Roshini, G Baskar, M Ravi, L D Joseph, K Sadasivan, A Krishnan, A S Nair, G Venkatraman and S K Rayala, (2015) Transcriptional regulation of fibronectin by p21-activated kinase-1 modulates pancreatic tumorigenesis, Oncogene. 22;34(4):455-64.
  4. Bugide S, David D, Nair A, Kannan N, Samanthapudi VS, Prabhakar J, Manavathi, (2015) Hematopoietic PBX-interacting protein (HPIP) is over expressed in breast infiltrative ductal carcinoma and regulates cell adhesion and migration through modulation of focal adhesion dynamics, Oncogene ;34(35):4601-12.
  5. Gopinath V, Raghunandanan S, Gomez RL, Jose L, Surendran A, Ramachandran R, Pushparajan AR, Mundayoor S, Jaleel A, Kumar RA, (2015) Profiling the proteome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis during dormancy and reactivation, Mol Cell Proteomics; 14(8):2160-76.
  6. Indu S, Sekhar SC, Sengottaiyan J, Kumar A, Pillai SM, Laloraya M, Kumar PG, (2015) Aberrant expression of Dynein light chain 1 is associated with human male factor infertility, Mol Cell Proteomics. 2015 Dec;14(12):3185-95.
  7. Krishna MB, Joseph A, Subramaniam AG, Gupta A, Pillai SM, Laloraya M, (2015)  Reduced Tregs in Peripheral Blood of PCOS Patients - a consequence of aberrant Il2 signaling., J ClinEndocrinolMetab;100(1):282-92.
  8. Mithun Varghese  Vadakkan, Bini Raj SS, Kartha CC, Vinod Kumar GS, (2015) Cationic, amphiphilic dextran nanomicellar clusters as an excipient for dry powder inhaler formulation, ActaBiomater;23:172-88.
  9. Jayesh Antony, Minakshi Saikia, Vinod. V,Lekshmi. R. Nath,         Mohana Rao Katiki, M.S.R. Murty, Anju Paul, Shabna A, Harsha Chandran,    Sophia Margaret Joseph, Nishanth Kumar. S,Elizabeth Jayex Panakkal,            Sriramya I. V, Sridivya I. V, Sophia Ran, Sankar S, Easwary Rajan & Ruby John Anto,( 2015) DW-F5: A novel formulation against malignant melanoma from Wrightiatinctoria., Sci Rep.;5:11107. doi: 10.1038/srep11107.
  10. Kochurani KJ, Suganya AA, Nair MG, Louis JM, Majumder A, Kumar K S, Abraham P, Dutta D, Maliekal TT, ( 2015) Live detection and purification of cells based on the expression of a histone chaperone, HIRA, using a binding peptide, Sci Rep.;5:17218. doi: 10.1038/srep17218.
  11. Sathyan S, Koshy LV, Srinivas L, Easwer HV, Premkumar S, Nair S, Bhattacharya RN, Alapatt JP, Banerjee M, (2015) Pathogenesis of intracranial aneurysm is mediated by proinflammatory cytokine TNFA and IFNG and through stochastic regulation of IL10 and TGFB1 by comorbid factors, J Neuroinflammation.;12(1):164.
  12. Smrethi Vasudevan , Thomas SA, Sivakumar KC, Komalam RJ, Sreerekha KV, Rajasekharan KN, Sengupta S, (2015) Diaminothiazoles Evade Multidrug Resistance in Cancer Cells and Xenograft Tumour Models and Develop Transient Specific Resistance: Understanding the Basis of Broad-Spectrum vs Specific Resistance, Carcinogenesis.;36(8):883-93.
  13. Vini R, Sreeja S, (2015) Punicagranatum and its therapeutic implications on breast carcinogenesis: A review, BioFactors ;41(2):78-89.
  14. Puliyappadamba VT, Thulasidasan AK, Vijayakurup V, Antony J, Bava SV, Anwar S, Sundaram S, Anto RJ. (2015) Curcumin inhibits B[a]PDE-induced procarcinogenic signals in lung cancer cells, and curbs B[a]P-induced mutagenesis and lung carcinogenesis. Biofactors.. doi: 10.1002/biof.1244. [Epub ahead of print]
  15. Majumder A, Mohieddin SK, Joseph S, Scambler PJ, Dutta D, (2015) Histone chaperone HIRA in regulation of transcription factor RUNX1, J Biol Chem. pii: jbc.M114.615492.
  16. Dharmaprakash A, Thandavarayan R, Joseph I, Thomas S, (2015) Development of broad-spectrum antibiofilm drugs: strategies and challenges, Future Microbiol;10:1035-48.
  17. Suryalatha K, John J, Thomas S, (2015) Wohlfahrtiimonas chitiniclastica-associated osteomyelitis: a rare case report, Future Microbiol.;10(7):1107-9.
  18. Tyagi, Nidhi,Viji, Mambattakkara, Karunakaran, SuneeshC, Varughese, Sunil, Ganesan, Shilpa, Priya, Sulochana, Babu, P. S. Saneesh, Nair Asha S, Ramaiah, Danaboyina (2015) Enhancement in intramolecular interactions and in vitro biological activity of a tripodaltetradentate system upon complexation. Dalton Transactions,;4(35):15591-15601.
  19. Rachy Abraham, Prashant Mudaliar, Abdul Jaleel, Srikanth Jandhyam,   Easwaran Sreekumar, (2015) High throughput proteomic analysis and a comparative review identify the nuclear chaperone, Nucleophosmin among the common set of proteins modulated in Chikungunya virus infection, J Proteomics.;120:126-41.
  20. Jisha J. Pillai,   Arun Kumar T. Thulasidasan,   Ruby John Anto,  Nandan C. Devika,   N. Ashwanikumar and   G. S. Vinod Kumar, (2015) Curcumin entrapped folic acid conjugated PLGA–PEG nanoparticles exhibit enhanced anticancer activity by site specific deliveryShow Affiliations, RSC Adv,5, 25518-25524.
  21. Vadakkan, Mithun Varghese, Kumar, G. S. Vinod(2015) Cryo-crystallization under a partial anti-solvent environment as a facile technology for dry powder inhalation development, RSC Adv 5 (89):73020-73027.
  22. Lekshmi R. Nath, Jaggaiah N. Gorantla, Sophia Margaret Joseph, Jayesh Antony, Sanu Thankachan, Darsan B. Menon, S. Sankar, Ravi S. Lankalapalli and Ruby John Anto (2015) Kaempferide, the most active among the four flavonoids isolated and characterized from Chromolaena odorata, induces apoptosis in cervical cancer cells while being pharmacologically safe. RSC Adv., 2015, 5: 100912-100922.
  23. Chandran A, Antony C, Jose L, Mundayoor S, Natarajan K, Kumar RA (2015) Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection Induces HDAC1-Mediated Suppression of IL-12B Gene Expression in Macrophages. Front Cell Infect Microbiol;5:90.doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2015.00090. eCollection 2015.
  24. Prasanna R, Balan A, RadhakrishnaPillai M, (2015) Diagnostic capability of salivary biomarkers in the assessment of head and neck cancer, Oral Oncol.. pii: S1368-8375(15)00318-8. doi: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2015.08.015.
  25. Siyad, MA   Kumar, G. S. Vinod, (2015) Synthesis and characterization of linear and cyclic endothelin peptides on PEGylated poly(O-benzyl ether) dendrimeric supports, Polymer,  67:80-91, JUN 12 2015.
  26. Raju R, Gadakh S, Gopal P, George B, Advani J, Soman S, Prasad TS, Girijadevi R, (2015) Differential ligand-signaling network of CCL19/CCL21-CCR7 system. Database (Oxford). ; pii: bav106. doi: 10.1093/database/bav106.
  27. Howlader MS, Nair A, Gopalan SV, Merilä J,A (2015) New Species of Euphlyctis (Anura: Dicroglossidae) from Barisal, Bangladesh,   PLoS One;10(2):e0116666.
  28. Mahadevan C, Jaleel A, Deb L, Thomas G, Manjula S, (2015) Development of an Efficient Virus Induced Gene Silencing Strategy in the Non-Model Wild Ginger-Zingiberzerumbet and Investigation of Associated Proteome Changes, PLoSOne. ;10(4):e0124518.
  29. Abraham P, Sundaram A, R A, V R, George S, Kumar KS, (2015) Structure-Activity Relationship and Mode of Action of a Frog Secreted Antibacterial Peptide B1CTcu5 Using Synthetically and Modularly Modified or Deleted (SMMD) Peptides, PLoS One.;10(5):e0124210.
  30. Dhanya R, Arun KB, Syama HP, Nisha P, Sundaresan A, Santhosh Kumar TR, Jayamurthy P, (2015) Preconditioning L6 muscle cells with Naringin ameliorates oxidative stress and increases glucose uptake, PLoS One;10(7):e0132429.
  31. Ray A, Vasudevan S, Sengupta S, (2015) 6-Shogaol Inhibits Breast Cancer Cells and Stem Cell-Like Spheroids by Modulation of Notch Signaling Pathway and Induction of Autophagic Cell Death, PLoS One.;10(9):e0137614.
  32. Resmi MS, Vivek PJ, Soniya EV, (2015) Over-expression of bael quinolone synthase in tobacco improves plant vigor under favorable conditions, drought, or salt stress, FEBS Lett.;589(3):332-41.
  33. Hima S, Sreeja S, (2015) Regulatory role of estrogen-induced reactive oxygen species in the modulatory function of UCP 2 in papillary thyroid cancer cells. IUBMB Life. doi: 10.1002/iub.1440. [Epub ahead of print]
  34. Azeez JM, Sithul H, Hariharan I, Sreekumar S, Prabhakar J, Sreeja S, Pillai MR (2015) Progesterone regulates the proliferation of breast cancer cells - in vitro evidence.Drug Des Devel Ther.;9:5987-5999.
  35. Sneha Singh , Gupta BP, Manakkadan A, Manandhar KD, Sreekumar E (2015) Phylogenetic study reveals co-circulation of Asian II and Cosmopolitan genotypes of Dengue virus serotype 2 in Nepal during 2013.Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 34:402–409.
  36. Sreejith PS, Asha VV, (2015) Glycopentalone, a novel compound from Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) Correa with potent anti-hepatocellular carcinoma activity, J Ethnopharmacol.;172:38-43.
  37. Das AV, Pillai RM, (2015) Implications of miR cluster 143/145 as universal anti-oncomiRs and their dysregulation during tumorigenesis, Cancer Cell Int. 29;15:92. doi: 10.1186/s12935-015-0247-4. eCollection.
  38. Muhamed J, Rajan A, Surendran A, Jaleel A, Anilkumar TV. Krishnan S, Dhillon PK, Bhadelia A3, Schurmann A, Basu P, Bhatla N, Birur P, Colaco R, Dey S, Grover S, Gupta H, Gupta R, Gupta V, Lewis MA, Mehrotra R, McMikel A, Mukherji A, Naik N, Nyblade L, Pati S, Radhakrishna Pillai M, Rajaraman P, Ramesh C, Rath GK, Reithinger R, Sankaranarayanan R, Selvam J, Shanmugam MS, Shridhar K, Siddiqi M, Squiers L, Subramanian S, Travasso SM, Verma Y, Vijayakumar M, Weiner BJ, Reddy KS, Knaul FM, (2015) Report from a symposium on catalyzing primary and secondary prevention of cancer in India, Cancer Causes Control.;26(11):1671-84. doi: 10.1007/s10552-015-0637-x. Epub 2015 Sep 3.
  39. Ramasarma T, Rao AV, Devi MM, Omkumar RV, Bhagyashree KS, Bhat SV, (2015) New insights of superoxide dismutase inhibition of pyrogallol autoxidation, Mol CellBiochem.;400(1-2):277-85.
  40. Devi A N, Kumar ATR, PillaiSM, Jayakrishnan K, Kumar PG, (2015) Expression profiles of NPHP1 in the germ cells in the semen of men with male factor infertility, Andrology;3(4):685-693.
  41. Sajimol Augustine M, Anas A, Das AV, Sreekanth S, Jayalekshmi S, (2015) Cytotoxicity and cellular uptake of ZnS:Mn nanocrystals biofunctionalized with chitosan and aminoacids, SpectrochimActa A MolBiomol Spectrosc.;136 Pt B:327-33.
  42. Krishnan, A., Mahadevan, C., Mani, T., & Sakuntala, M, (2015) Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) for elucidation of pathogen defense role of serine/threonine protein kinase in the non-model plant Piper colubrinum Link, Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), Volume 122, Issue 2, pp 269-283.
  43. Suresh V, K.A. Krishnakumar, V.V. Asha, (2011) A new fluorescent based screening system for high throughput screening of drugs targeting HBV-core and HBsAg interaction, Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 70: 305–316.
  44. Ballav S, Kerkar S, Thomas S, Augustine N, (2015) Halophilic and halotolerant actinomycetes from a marine saltern of Goa, India producing anti-bacterial metabolites, J Biosci Bioeng.;119(3):323-30.
  45. Joseph I, (2015) Middle east respiratory syndrome corona virus (MERS CoV): The next steps, J Public Health Policy.;36(3):318-23.
  46. Ramakrishnan L, Pillai MR, Nair RR, (2015) Dengue vaccine development: strategies and challenges, Viral Immunol.;28(2):76-84.
  47. Divya M P, Deepa Mathew P, Jyothi R, Ramani Bai and Sabu Thomas, (2015) Mutations in Gyr A and Par C genes of Shigella flexneri 2a determining the fluoroquinolone resistance, Indian J Med Res.;141(6):836-8.
  48. Gupta, BP  Singh, S  Kurmi, R  Malla, R  Sreekumar, E  Das Manandhar, K (2015) Re-emergence of dengue virus serotype 2 strains in the 2013 outbreak in Nepal, Indian J Med Res,  142:1-6, Supplement: S, Dec 2015, DOI: 10.4103/0971-5916.176564.
  49. Divya, PR  Gopalakrishnan, A  Basheer, VS  Swaminathan, R  Mohitha, C  Joy, L  Kumar, R  Manoj, P  Jena, JK 92015), Mitochondrial ATPase 6/8 genes to infer the population genetic structure of silver pomfret fish Pampusargenteus along the Indian waters, Mitochodrial DNA.; 26(2):189-194. DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2013.879655.
  50. Aishwarya K, Vinitha M R, George Thomas, Sabu M, (2015)A new species of Boesenbergia and rediscovery of B. rotunda (Zingiberaceae) from India, Phytotaxa, 197(3): 186-196.
  51. Anu, K., Jessymol, K.K., Chidambareswaren, M., Gayathri, G.S., &Manjula, S, (2015) Down-regulation of osmotin (PR5) gene by virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) leads to susceptibility of resistant Piper colubrinum Link. to the oomycete pathogen PhytophthoracapsiciLeonian, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. Vol. 53 (6), 329-334.
  52. Sarasamma, S, Gracious, N, George, J, Anish, TSN, Radhakrishnan, R,(2015) Polymorphism of the CYP3A5 Gene and Its Effect on Tacrolimus Blood Level, Nair, SS, Exptl.andClin. Transplantation, Apr. 2015, Volume: 13: 197-200, Supplement: 1, DOI: 10.6002/ect.mesot2014.O167.
  53. Thomas R, Janardhanan A, Varghese RT, Soniya EV, Mathew J, Radhakrishnan EK (2015) Antibacterial properties of silver nanoparticles synthesized by marine Ochrobactrum sp. Braz J Microbiol.;45(4):1221-7.
  54. Jose, S,Nair MC,  Prabhukumar KM,  Asha, V. V, Kumar, R. Prakash, Madhusoodanan, P. V. Suresh, V (2015) Oldenlandia dineshii (Rubiaceae: Spermacoceae), a new species from the Palakkad Gap region of Western Ghats, India. Kew Bulletin,;70(1),Article Number: 13, DOI: 10.1007/S12225-015-9564-Y.
  55. Seetha Dayakar, Iravathy K. Goud, Heera Pillai, Viji Remadevi, Sanjai Dharmaseelan, Radhakrishnan R. Nair,  M. RadhakrishnaPillai, (2015) Molecular Diagnosis of Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) and Dengue virus (DENV) and its concomitant circulation in South Indian population, Virology Reports, doi:10.1016/j.virep.2015.05.001.
  56. Wilson Peter Abraham, Sabu Thomas, (2015) Draft Genome Sequence of Pseudomonas psychrophila MTCC 12324, Isolated from the Arctic at 79°N, Genome Announc.; 3(3): e00578-15.
  57. Arjun, J.K, Aneesh, B and Hari Krishnan, K, (2015) Sequencing and characterization of L-asparaginase (ansB) gene of Bacillus megaterium isolated from Western Ghats, Kerala, India ", Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 4(6): 753-760.
  58. Panda, S., Beena, V., Sivakumar, R., Choudhary, K., Nalinakumari, K., Sathyan, S., Banerjee, M (2015) Microsatellite instability in D2S123 flanking the hMSH2gene in oral squamous cell carcinoma in South India.Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal;4(1), 22-28.
  59. Choudhary, K, Sathyan, S, Beena, VT, Panda, S, Sivakumar, R, Ahuja, A, Banerjee, M (2015) Polymorphic variants of mismatch repair gene human MutS homologue-2 influence oral squamous cell carcinoma in a South Indian population. Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal.;4(2), 170-174.
  60. Haritha H Nair, Ruby John Anto, (2015) Triple negative breast cancer: The therapeutic windows yet to be opened? Science Jet , 4:175.
  61. Vineeth TV Kumar, David Holthausen, Joshy Jacob and Sanil George, (2015) Host Defense Peptides in Asian Frogs as Potential Clinical Therapies, Antibiotics  4(2), 136-159.
  62. Bijukumar A, R. Smrithy , U. Sureshkumar & S. George, (2015) Invasion of South American suckermoutharmoured catfishes Pterygoplichthys spp., (Loricariidae) in Kerala, India- a case study, Journal of Threatened Taxa  7(3): 6987–6995.
  63. Mini G.K., Mark Nichter, Radhakrishnan R. Nair, K.R. Thankappan, (2015) Confirmation of self-reported non-smoking status by salivary cotinine among diabetes patients in Kerala, India, Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health, Volume 3, Issue 1, Pages 44–46.
  64. Jesmina AS, George S, (2015) New distribution records for the critically endangered frog Indiranagundia (Dubois, 1986) from Kerala part of Western Ghats, India, Biodivers DataJ;(3):e5825.
  65. Rajaraman P, Dey B, Majumder PP, Mayor S, Pillai MR, Ramaswamy S, Shaha C, Johnson M, Sivaram S, Trimble EL, Harlow EE, Vijay Raghavan K (2015)First International Workshopson Provocative Questions (PQ) in Cancer Research, October-November 2014, New Delhi, Bengaluru, and Thiruvananthapuram, India.J CancerPolicy.;6:33-36.
  66. Sumi S,  Surya Ramachandran, V Raman Kutty, Maulin M Patel, Anand TN, AjitMullassari, C C Kartha (2015) Nonsynonymous T280M gene variant of CX3CR1 in South Indian population is associated with reduced risk for vascular disease in patients with diabetes mellitus. Current Research: Cardiology.; 2 (4): 188-192.
  67. Vinod BS, Haritha Nair, Vinod V, Shabna A, Shabna S, Archana K, Kavya SP, Sanu T and Ruby John Anto (2015) Resveratrol chemosensitizes HER-2-over-expressing breast cancer cells to docetaxel chemoresistance by inhibiting docetaxel-mediated activation of HER-2-Akt axis.;Cell Death Discovery.; 1: 15061; doi:10.1038/cddiscovery.;61.
  68. Jayesh Antony, MinakshiSaikia, Vino T. Cheriyan, Nishanth Kumar S and Ruby John Anto (2105) Sesbania: A Prospective Candidate to be Excavated for Anticancer Drugs.;The Natural Products Journal, 2015, 5(4): 273-287.
  69. Ramesh J. Praseeja, Pongillyathundiyil S. Sreejith, Velikkakathu V. Asha (2015) Studies on the apoptosis inducing and cell cycle regulatory effect of CuscutareflexaRoxbchloroform extract on human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line, Hep 3B. International Journal of applied research in natural products,8(2): 37-47.

Book Chapter

  1. Hari Krishnan K, (2015) Application of metagenomics in agriculture, In: AgricultureBioinformatics (eds) Keshavchandran, R and RajiRadhakrishnan, S. Published by New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi. Pp 295 -318.
  2. Satheesh Kumar S, Sreelatha K H,, RevathyNadhan, and PriyaSrinivas, (2015)  Role of BRCA1 in Breast Cancer Metastasis. In the book: "Gynecologic Cancers – Basic Sciences, Clinical and Therapeutic Perspectives ", ISBN 978-953-51-4278-2, InTech, Europe,  2015. DOI: 10.5772/60787.
  3. #G. Mohan Shankar, #Jayesh Antony, Ruby John Anto, (2015) Quercetin and Tryptanthrin:Two Broad SpectrumAnticancerAgents for Future Chemotherapeutic Interventions, In: Enzymes. 2015;37:43-72. doi: 10.1016/bs.enz.2015.05.001.Chapter Number:1, ISBN: 978-0-12-803876-5, Elsevier. (#equal authorship).


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