Post-doctoral Training

About Eligibility Application Mode General Conditions Contact


  • RGCB funded post-doctoral programme
    • Candidates with a PhD degree or MD degree are eligible to apply
    • Applicants should be below the age of 32 years (may be relaxed in exceptional cases)
  • Externally funded post-doctoral programme

RGCB will support applications from candidates to apply for extra-mural grants/Research Associateship from agencies such as DST (Fast Track, Women's Program, etc), DBT (PDF, IYBA, etc), ICMR, CSIR, etc. in the previously mentioned areas.

For both these programmes, RGCB strongly discourages applications from candidates who have completed PhD from any of its laboratories or worked previously as Research Fellows, Research Associates or in any other research positions in RGCB. RGCB expects such candidates to migrate to other institutes to further develop their skills and not continue remain confined to the same institute environment. This condition may be relaxed in a very few exceptional cases subject to a strong recommendation from a duly appointed selection committee.


Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB),
Thycaud Post, Poojappura,
Thiruvananthapuram - 695 014, Kerala, India
+91-471-2529400 | 2347975 | 2348753

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Last Updated on: March 07, 2025
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