RGCB's PhD program continues to be one of the best and most competitive in the country. RGCB also is credited with the first exclusive PhD in Translational Science & Medicine (TSM) PhD Program designed to train candidates with terminal degrees in medicine, dentistry, veterinary sciences and pharmacy to become leaders of the next generation of translational science by providing excellent opportunities to study human diseases at the interface between basic and clinical sciences. This program was designed to ensure students would spearhead the bidirectional translation of discoveries between the "bench" and "bedside" to improve human health. RGCB today has over 140 registered PhD students affiliated to various universities. This PhD program has a comprehensive course work which runs for the first six months following admission of every batch of students. RGCB also has another "first" among biotechnology institutes by beginning a biotechnology skills development program where large number of post graduate, medical and engineering students train at RGCB.

The Office of Academic Affairs is attached to the Institute Development Division of the Director's Secretariat. All Academic programs are planned and supervised by the RGCB Academic Affairs Committee. The Office of Academic Affairs is responsible for all academic services; provides leadership in development of academic programs, policy formulation, program planning and evaluation; keeps abreast of trends and changes in higher education; works for institutional vision, survival, stability, growth, and excellence; provides a connection between administration and faculty; serves as catalyst to create a climate conducive to scholarly research in an atmosphere committed to the mandates of the institute and the Department of Biotechnology. The Office of Academic Affairs is also responsible for supporting all academic programs of the institute, supports RGCB faculty with planning and implementation of PhD student admissions, PhD course work, examinations, transcripts, etc. In addition the Office of Academic Affairs conducts screening tests and examinations for selection of various projects and institute personnel. This office also provides support for all RGCB Training Programs, Academic Meeting, and Scientific Advisory Council meetings.


RGCB Director

Ex-Officio Members

Dean (Research Administration & Faculty Affairs)

S Asha Nair, PhD

Dean (Academic Affairs)

Priya Srinivas, PhD

Associate Dean (Research Administration & Faculty Affairs)

Abdul Jaleel K. A, PhD

Associate Dean (Academic Affairs)

Vinod Kumar G. S, PhD

Course Coordinator, PhD Program

Vinod Kumar G. S, PhD

Course Coordinator, M.Sc. Program

Rajesh Chandramohanadas, PhD

Scientists Nominated by the Director, RGCB

Jackson James, PhD
Debasree Dutta, PhD
K. B. Harikumar, PhD

Member Secretary

Officer in-charge, Office of Academic Affairs, RGCB

Composition of RGCB Office Academic Affairs

K. Santosh Kumar, PhD (Senior Consultant)


Office of academic affairs


Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB),
Thycaud Post, Poojappura,
Thiruvananthapuram - 695 014, Kerala, India
+91-471-2529400 | 2347975 | 2348753
info@rgcb.res.in webmaster@rgcb.res.in

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Last Updated on: March 07, 2025
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